
View impact assessments

Where a proposed development (including alterations and additions to an existing building) is likely to impact on views enjoyed from neighbouring or surrounding residential properties and buildings, Council will require a view impact assessment to be undertaken and submitted with your Development Application.

Typically, this involves the taking of digital photographic images from the vantage points of the habitable rooms (such as living, lounge and bedroom areas), and associated deck and balcony areas of any neighbouring and/or surrounding residential dwellings from which views are likely to be impacted by the proposed development, the overlaying of these images with perspective outlines of the proposed development, and a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the view impact from each vantage point, having regard to the relevant controls contained in Council's Development Control Plan and relevant Planning Principles established in case law (e.g. Tenacity Consulting vs Warringah Council 2004 [NSWLEC140]).

These assessments typically require a collaborative approach between your architect who prepares the perspective overlays, and ourselves who undertake the written assessment based on the overlays provided by the architect.